Joy Through the Storm: Musings On Human Nature
By L.J.Douglas
It is a late summer morning, floorboards cool under my bare feet as I make my way out to the porch with a bowl of granola in my hands. Sitting on the top step, I tuck my sun dress securely behind my knees to prevent a wayward breeze from setting the fabric fluttering up into my lap. The day is clear with the sun just peeking out from behind a bank of fluffy clouds that almost seem too lazy to move other than to shape shift every so often into distorted versions of animals or boats or some silly fictional thing. The sweet nutty flavor of my cereal mingles with the fragrance of the honeysuckle bush at the edge of the yard to create a unique sensory effect that is pleasant and calming. I can hear the song being shared between two red brown birds sitting high on the ridge of a neighbors roof. But other than the buzzing of a yellow jacket passing by and the hollow crunching sound of my own chewing, the morning is quiet. Peaceful. This is the time when my spirit smiles and I feel closest to nature. These moments make me feel as though I can turn my face toward heaven, open myself up, and communicate to God just how grateful I am to be His child; to be blessed with life on this beautiful planet that He created. My heart is full with the smallest understanding of the awesomeness of God.
Fast forward to another morning when the alarm blares violently from my nightstand. I growl in complaint only to yell out my frustration a moment later when I slam my knuckles against the clock as a result of miscalculating the location of the snooze button. Groaning bitterly, I haul my stiff limbs out from under the warm comforter and make my way, shivering, to the window. A deep sigh and even deeper frown are what I have to offer as I observe what I perceive to be a "nasty" day. The sky is gray, the clouds even grayer, and the forlorn drizzle that has been falling is just beginning to morph into an angry spitting sleet. I should know that stepping onto the bathroom scale would be a bad idea, but by the time I kick the unfortunate mechanism against the wall, it is too late to stop the pain from shooting through the offending toes. The clothes I need are still in the dirty laundry hamper. My hair is flat and lifeless, but I donʼt have time to shampoo it. By the time I am ready to run my errands, the rain is coming down in heavy sheets, and I want to scream when I realize that the umbrella is in the car! Moments later, settled in the drivers seat, drenched and miserable, tears of self pity mingle with raindrops on my cheeks as the dashboard blinks at me that the gas tank is almost empty. In this moment, I am so far from my Lord, wallowing in bitterness, forgetting all He has done for me and using every negative thing as fuel for my fire of annoyance.
Two separate mornings. Two completely opposite mind sets. You could even argue two different women! Sadly, no. I must admit to both experiences. During those moments of beauty it is so easy to respond appropriately. But when my nerves are shot, human nature leads me to react rather than respond. Thankfully, even when I seem to swing from one extreme to another with the efficiency of a pendulum, God is always faithful, the eternal solid Rock that wonʼt be moved. (Isaiah 26:4) No matter what the circumstance, no matter how complicated or fear laden the situation, no matter the weather or the difficulty or the cost, He is always "the same; yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) Undeserving as I am, He pours out His grace daily. On a tranquil breeze, or in the bite of freezing rain, His faithfulness is a constant.
Teach me, Lord, to not gauge my response on "feel good" emotions. Teach me also to temper my reactions to the things that inconvenience me. Let me see your hand in every situation, not just the lovely, but the character challenging as well. Let me praise you in all things and learn to be faithful as You are faithful.
Copyright L. J. Douglas
October 2008
Fast forward to another morning when the alarm blares violently from my nightstand. I growl in complaint only to yell out my frustration a moment later when I slam my knuckles against the clock as a result of miscalculating the location of the snooze button. Groaning bitterly, I haul my stiff limbs out from under the warm comforter and make my way, shivering, to the window. A deep sigh and even deeper frown are what I have to offer as I observe what I perceive to be a "nasty" day. The sky is gray, the clouds even grayer, and the forlorn drizzle that has been falling is just beginning to morph into an angry spitting sleet. I should know that stepping onto the bathroom scale would be a bad idea, but by the time I kick the unfortunate mechanism against the wall, it is too late to stop the pain from shooting through the offending toes. The clothes I need are still in the dirty laundry hamper. My hair is flat and lifeless, but I donʼt have time to shampoo it. By the time I am ready to run my errands, the rain is coming down in heavy sheets, and I want to scream when I realize that the umbrella is in the car! Moments later, settled in the drivers seat, drenched and miserable, tears of self pity mingle with raindrops on my cheeks as the dashboard blinks at me that the gas tank is almost empty. In this moment, I am so far from my Lord, wallowing in bitterness, forgetting all He has done for me and using every negative thing as fuel for my fire of annoyance.
Two separate mornings. Two completely opposite mind sets. You could even argue two different women! Sadly, no. I must admit to both experiences. During those moments of beauty it is so easy to respond appropriately. But when my nerves are shot, human nature leads me to react rather than respond. Thankfully, even when I seem to swing from one extreme to another with the efficiency of a pendulum, God is always faithful, the eternal solid Rock that wonʼt be moved. (Isaiah 26:4) No matter what the circumstance, no matter how complicated or fear laden the situation, no matter the weather or the difficulty or the cost, He is always "the same; yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) Undeserving as I am, He pours out His grace daily. On a tranquil breeze, or in the bite of freezing rain, His faithfulness is a constant.
Teach me, Lord, to not gauge my response on "feel good" emotions. Teach me also to temper my reactions to the things that inconvenience me. Let me see your hand in every situation, not just the lovely, but the character challenging as well. Let me praise you in all things and learn to be faithful as You are faithful.
Copyright L. J. Douglas
October 2008
AMY'S ONLINE - Check out her band here:
Here she comes on about halfway thru and sings "Time After Time":
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Joy Through the Storm: Me of Little Faith
By L.J. Douglas
"Ask and ye shall receive." (John 16:24) How many times have we heard that Scripture? How often do we smile and nod and profess to have the faith strong enough to claim that statement? Growing up in a Christian home, attending church my whole life, I must have heard, read or even said those words hundreds of times through the years. But it was not until recently that I had to face the reality that maybe I didn’t completely believe it!
My husband Steve has faced some major physical challenges in the past five years. After surgery, a couple of grim diagnosis and medically related job layoffs, his doctor finally told him that he could no longer work and recommended filing for disability. We did so immediately, but fear hung over us like a dark cloud. We had heard repeatedly that it was common to have a claim denied at first, and even if it was approved it could take up to two years to start receiving benefits. How would we survive that long on the small amount I made? Where would rent money come from? Would the utilities get shut off? How could we possibly get through this having to wait so long?
Then one day as I was praying for God’s provision, I remembered hearing that we should pray specifically for what we need. "Why not?" I thought. "I am a child of the King. My father desires to give me good gifts." ( Matthew 7:11) From that day on my prayer became this. "Lord, if it is Your will to provide for us in this way, please let Steve be approved for disability. I know chances are slim that it would happen any time soon, but you are a God of miracles! I ask that you would bless him even further and let him be notified of his approval the week of his birthday!"
For months I repeated that heart cry multiple times a day, reminding myself that no matter what the outcome, God was in control. But underneath the brave face and profession of faith was the frightened child who kept asking, "What are we going to do?"
Every time I laid my burden at the feet of Jesus, it seemed only a few steps before I turned around and snatched it back up again. It was not until April rolled around that I finally came to grips with my error and repented for my attempt at controlling the situation. Matthew 6:31 & 32 encouraged me to "Take no thought saying, ‘What shall we eat? Or What shall we drink, or How shall we be clothed?’….for your Heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these things."
And so I began to rest in the knowledge that He knew what we needed and cared enough to take care of us, and I began to feel peace. I should have known that it was all in the plan when time after time we would be almost out of food or money or even toilet tissue! And somehow at the last possible minute, exactly what we needed would be there. Through the loving help and support of friends, family or church we always "squeaked" by. On paper, my paychecks were never enough to cover the bills. But miraculously we never lost electric service or missed paying rent.
The week of Steve’s birthday came and I waited for the miracle to happen. Nothing. Each day the mailbox was empty. But I resolved to be at peace no matter what the outcome, and I continued to pray. Two days later a letter arrived announcing his approval and it was dated the day of his birthday! I was stunned. That couldn’t be a coincidence! Gratitude and shock meshed together overwhelming me with emotion. But once again, I had to repent. Why was I surprised that my prayer had been answered? Not only had God granted my specific request, He had taken the extra step to date that approval letter exactly ON Steve’s birthday. It was as if the Lord was giving me a gentle nudge to remind me that He could and sometimes WOULD do even that which is…"exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think…" (Eph 3:20
It seems strange that I would need to ask God to increase my faith to the point where I could at least believe He will keep His promises. How far I have yet to go!! But Jesus knows my weakness and the desire I have to grow in Him. So I can rest again in knowing that He will help me where I am lacking. I can ask in faith, believing that He hears me and He WILL answer. It may not always be in the way I hope for, but then again sometimes it just might exceed my expectations. How great is our God!
Copyright L.J. Douglas
July 2008
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Joy Through the Storm: Just Like Dad
By L. J. Douglas
On my way to a recent doctor’s appointment, I tried to stretch the sore muscles in my neck as I drove. The tension I was carrying had manifested itself as stiffness, and fatigue mixed with stress had put me in a very anxious state. My mind flitted from worry to worry and I felt completely overwhelmed. Reaching the final turn on my journey, I slowed down on the residential street and was immediately taken in by the scene laid out before me. A man was cutting his lawn with a push mower, and trailing behind him a bit off to the side was a tiny tow headed boy. His blond curls bobbed in the breeze as he shuffled along in little denim overalls, diligently pushing his own miniature plastic lawn mower. I slowed down the car and drank in the beautiful picture, feeling my tension ease away.
I smiled for the first time in awhile and told myself as I drove on that if they were out when I came by again, I would stop and thank them for making my day. That opportunity didn’t come, but through the following days and weeks, I couldn’t get that scene out of my mind. Something about it had deeply affected me and I felt as if there was something I was supposed to learn from the experience. After mulling it over for some time, I prayed for God to show me what it was that He wanted me to see. The answer didn’t come immediately, but was more like the gradual rays of light that come at dawn. And it was almost as if I could hear God chuckle. It was so simple! We as His children should desire to be like Him in all things! Even those every day mundane chores should be committed to Him and done for His glory. Sure, our "lawn" may not be a pristine as His, but if we follow in His footsteps and do all we can to follow His example, He will honor the simple desire of striving to be like our Father.
I don’t have to work myself to mental and physical exhaustion to try to be perfect. I just need to set the goal of becoming more like my Father every day. Proverbs 3:1 says, "My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart." And in Ephesians 5 we are told to "be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children…..for you were once darkness, but now you are light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord." The desire to be like my earthly father goes back many years, but thanks to a little boy with a plastic lawn mower, I now understand the importance of imitating my heavenly Father in every aspect of my life.
Copyright L. J. Douglas
Here she comes on about halfway thru and sings "Time After Time":
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Joy Through the Storm: Me of Little Faith
By L.J. Douglas
"Ask and ye shall receive." (John 16:24) How many times have we heard that Scripture? How often do we smile and nod and profess to have the faith strong enough to claim that statement? Growing up in a Christian home, attending church my whole life, I must have heard, read or even said those words hundreds of times through the years. But it was not until recently that I had to face the reality that maybe I didn’t completely believe it!
My husband Steve has faced some major physical challenges in the past five years. After surgery, a couple of grim diagnosis and medically related job layoffs, his doctor finally told him that he could no longer work and recommended filing for disability. We did so immediately, but fear hung over us like a dark cloud. We had heard repeatedly that it was common to have a claim denied at first, and even if it was approved it could take up to two years to start receiving benefits. How would we survive that long on the small amount I made? Where would rent money come from? Would the utilities get shut off? How could we possibly get through this having to wait so long?
Then one day as I was praying for God’s provision, I remembered hearing that we should pray specifically for what we need. "Why not?" I thought. "I am a child of the King. My father desires to give me good gifts." ( Matthew 7:11) From that day on my prayer became this. "Lord, if it is Your will to provide for us in this way, please let Steve be approved for disability. I know chances are slim that it would happen any time soon, but you are a God of miracles! I ask that you would bless him even further and let him be notified of his approval the week of his birthday!"
For months I repeated that heart cry multiple times a day, reminding myself that no matter what the outcome, God was in control. But underneath the brave face and profession of faith was the frightened child who kept asking, "What are we going to do?"
Every time I laid my burden at the feet of Jesus, it seemed only a few steps before I turned around and snatched it back up again. It was not until April rolled around that I finally came to grips with my error and repented for my attempt at controlling the situation. Matthew 6:31 & 32 encouraged me to "Take no thought saying, ‘What shall we eat? Or What shall we drink, or How shall we be clothed?’….for your Heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these things."
And so I began to rest in the knowledge that He knew what we needed and cared enough to take care of us, and I began to feel peace. I should have known that it was all in the plan when time after time we would be almost out of food or money or even toilet tissue! And somehow at the last possible minute, exactly what we needed would be there. Through the loving help and support of friends, family or church we always "squeaked" by. On paper, my paychecks were never enough to cover the bills. But miraculously we never lost electric service or missed paying rent.
The week of Steve’s birthday came and I waited for the miracle to happen. Nothing. Each day the mailbox was empty. But I resolved to be at peace no matter what the outcome, and I continued to pray. Two days later a letter arrived announcing his approval and it was dated the day of his birthday! I was stunned. That couldn’t be a coincidence! Gratitude and shock meshed together overwhelming me with emotion. But once again, I had to repent. Why was I surprised that my prayer had been answered? Not only had God granted my specific request, He had taken the extra step to date that approval letter exactly ON Steve’s birthday. It was as if the Lord was giving me a gentle nudge to remind me that He could and sometimes WOULD do even that which is…"exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think…" (Eph 3:20
It seems strange that I would need to ask God to increase my faith to the point where I could at least believe He will keep His promises. How far I have yet to go!! But Jesus knows my weakness and the desire I have to grow in Him. So I can rest again in knowing that He will help me where I am lacking. I can ask in faith, believing that He hears me and He WILL answer. It may not always be in the way I hope for, but then again sometimes it just might exceed my expectations. How great is our God!
Copyright L.J. Douglas
July 2008
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Joy Through the Storm: Just Like Dad
By L. J. Douglas
On my way to a recent doctor’s appointment, I tried to stretch the sore muscles in my neck as I drove. The tension I was carrying had manifested itself as stiffness, and fatigue mixed with stress had put me in a very anxious state. My mind flitted from worry to worry and I felt completely overwhelmed. Reaching the final turn on my journey, I slowed down on the residential street and was immediately taken in by the scene laid out before me. A man was cutting his lawn with a push mower, and trailing behind him a bit off to the side was a tiny tow headed boy. His blond curls bobbed in the breeze as he shuffled along in little denim overalls, diligently pushing his own miniature plastic lawn mower. I slowed down the car and drank in the beautiful picture, feeling my tension ease away.
I smiled for the first time in awhile and told myself as I drove on that if they were out when I came by again, I would stop and thank them for making my day. That opportunity didn’t come, but through the following days and weeks, I couldn’t get that scene out of my mind. Something about it had deeply affected me and I felt as if there was something I was supposed to learn from the experience. After mulling it over for some time, I prayed for God to show me what it was that He wanted me to see. The answer didn’t come immediately, but was more like the gradual rays of light that come at dawn. And it was almost as if I could hear God chuckle. It was so simple! We as His children should desire to be like Him in all things! Even those every day mundane chores should be committed to Him and done for His glory. Sure, our "lawn" may not be a pristine as His, but if we follow in His footsteps and do all we can to follow His example, He will honor the simple desire of striving to be like our Father.
I don’t have to work myself to mental and physical exhaustion to try to be perfect. I just need to set the goal of becoming more like my Father every day. Proverbs 3:1 says, "My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart." And in Ephesians 5 we are told to "be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children…..for you were once darkness, but now you are light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord." The desire to be like my earthly father goes back many years, but thanks to a little boy with a plastic lawn mower, I now understand the importance of imitating my heavenly Father in every aspect of my life.
Copyright L. J. Douglas
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